Who is your favorite children's book author?

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Let Peace Begin With You

Good Day everyone.
Did you have a fun weekend? Did you learn something new or do anything special? Me (Sunrae), Ms, Mona and her family visited the grand opening of a Buddism Community Center. Buddism is a type of religion. One of the thing they believe is that all people can live peacefully and happy together.

They had a display explaining what passive violence was. That means people do things to hurt each other in a quiet way. It is when another person says unkind words, or try to make another person do something they don't want to do,like being bullied. It is also when another person doesn't want to sit next to another person and do mean things to their property. So you see violence can be done without physically hitting another person.

Today if you get angry or frustrated with something some one has done or said, stop and think; PEACE BEGINS WITH ME because I AM PEACEFUL

Believe in miracles, they do happen. YOU just have to believe.

It's apple season

Let's make apple sauce


2 small red apples

2 tbsp (table spoon) lemon juice

2 tsp (teaspoon) sugar

2 pinches of cinnamon

1-Peel apples and cut them into small pieces.

Throw away the cores.

2-Put the apple pieces and lemon juice into a blender or food processor.

3-Blend until the mixture is very smooth.

4-Pour the mixture into two small bowls and stir in the sugar and cinnamon.


Options:Use honey instead of sugar

Slow cook the mixture in a small pot

Add raisins

You can make pear sauce the same way

If you put a white sock in a cup of tea, the sock will turn light brown.

What makes you happy, sad, scared, angry and confused?

write yours answer in the comment section

Ms. Mona
Sunrae and Friends


Sunrae and Friends said...

Stay on purpose

Unknown said...

I am firm believer that before we can look for peace, love, or joy outside ourselves we must first find it within. Blessings to you and yours.
Tonio (www.toniolive.com_

Anonymous said...

Very nice site, will be checking in

About Me

The journey of life as seen through the eyes of Sunrae and her friends. Come and join them in, as they experience life throughout their week. Sunrae and her friends ages are from 5 to 12. They have included in their, blog positive affirmations, things to think about, creative activities,and educational tid bits. You can share what is happening with you too when you press the green button at the right side of the website and follow the directions to share. Looking Forward To Hearing From You SOON! FACEBOOK-SUNRAE too!