It's time to give thanks with family and friends.You didn't hear from me, Ms. Mona and my friends last week, because we have been preparing for Thanksgiving. We bought food stuff for Thanksgiving dinner at the grocery store and looked for holiday decorations. We had fun looking at the decorations for Chrismas too. The store had a lot of things that smelled god too. We tried to smell all of the different kinds of scented candles they had. You know every thing started to smell the same, so we looked at the pretty Christmas flower arrangements and trees. We were thankful for being able to have fun shopping at looking at all the colorful, shinny and good smelling things in the store. Now it's your turn to tell me how you and your family prepare for Thanksgiving? I want you to also take time to sit quietly and think of all the things you are thankful for. There is two other words for giving thanks and that is having gratitude or being grateful. Write me back in the comments section.Happy Thanksgiving.
Gobble, Gobble
Always mind your manners.
Say please, thank you and excuse me too.
Never talk with your mouth full of food.
Wipe your mouth with a napkin even if your sleeve had been used before.
Leave the table if you have to blow your nose or
blow out something else.
Remember to excuse yourself, it would be mighty nice.
Eat all the food you take, because if you don't cousin you know who
will eat it for you, in a flash.
Desserts on it's way.
Oh my, oh my blueberry pie and ice cream stew just for me and you.We eat all of our food and cleaned our messy faces in the
holiday tissue paper too.
Turkey Day Snack
Cookie sheet
Table spoon
Serving bowl or tray
tortilla chips
mild salsa
shredded cheese
1-Put as many tortilla chips that can fit in a cookie sheet
2-Use tablespoon to pour salsa on top of tortilla chips
3-Sprinkle cheese on top of salsa with your hands
Ask an adult to help with the next step.
4-Turn the oven temperature to 350
5-Put chips in the oven
6-Let cheese melt on the chips.
Once the cheese has melted remove from oven with oven mitt.
You're ready to snack, while the BIG meal is being prepared.
Be careful, chips are hot!!!
Happy Snacking
Did you know that turkeys can fly.
Not as high a bird, but they can fly up into trees.
Did you thank someone today?
Be Safe
Have Fun
Ms. MonaSunrae and friends