Good Day Everyone!
Brown or white lunch size bag
Crayons or markers
Life is full of surprises as always.
My friends and my friends, friends are always doing or learning something new about themselves everyday.
How many of you out there have sisters, brothers or cousins you are very close to? Are there times you just don't get along They always seem to bother things that belong to you or hit you when you are concentrating (focused) on something. This leads you to either argue, fuse, hitting or running to an adult to tell on them.
All of this is called confusion or plain old dislike for that sister, brother or close relative.
Well, you know one of my friends, friends sister told her that she and her brother were not geting along. An adult friend of hers told her to hold positive thoughts about her brother the next time he came around; (THINK- "my brother has a nice hair cut").
The little girl did what was suggested. Quess what? Not only did she have a pleasant time playing with her brother; her day at school was pleasant too. She had fun with her classmates and did well in all of her subjects.
THINK ABOUT THIS-Some days may feel like sticky glue and when it does just wash your hands
and put on some good smelling lotion. Don't forget to share.
I use my POWER of creative imagination to let only positive images run through MIND.
PuPpet PApEr baG CReActiOnS
Brown or white lunch size bag
Crayons or markers
Wiggle eyes (any size
Pom, poms (assorted sizes)
Glue (elmers or tacky)
Scissors (children size )
Fabric scrapes
Use magic markers and crayons to color bag.
Glue designs with foam shapes, yarn, ribbon etc on front of bag.
Glue a piece of foam shape for a mouth on the inside fold of bag.
Glue pom, poms, yarn, feathers to top of bag for head piece or hair.
Glue wiggle eyes in place or buttons.
Add fabric to make clothing.
Glue pipe cleaner or twisted paper for legs.
Use your IMAGINATION to create your critter
Most people have never noticed that the sun is always behind you when you face a rainbow, and that the center
of the circular arc of the rainbow is in the direction opposite to that of the sun. The rain, of course, is in the direction of the rainbow.
Information by Donald Ahrens-Meteorology Today
Do you imagine shapes when you look at the clouds in the sky?
Ms. Mona
Sunrae & Friends
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